Yoga of Guitar Online Course
A whole new way to learn and play the guitar with relaxation annd mindfulness
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You've been interested in learning guitar or playing the guitar better. Maybe you've taken some lessons
to varying degrees of success or possible frustration and gave up. Perhaps you consider yourself musically challenged or you're just looking for a whole new approach to guitar that is intuitive, relaxing, fun, and very effective. All of these are all too common experiences when learning the guitar.
However, now you have an opportunity to learn and explore the guitar in an effortless way that is both efficient and enjoyable.
That's why I've created this online course: Yoga of Guitar Online Course
Using the guitar as your meditation and yogic philosophy as your guide, I'll show you step-by-step, a whole new way to learn and play the guitar as a mindfulness practice.
This video course follows a progression of lessons that include:
- Meditative Musical Exercises
- Inspiring and Motivational Lectures
- Guided Meditations
- Playful Musical Instruction that is Easy to Follow and Full of Deep and Expansive Information
- Body Position and Alignment
- Calm Mindset
- Rhythm
- Finger Picking
- Meditation
- Chords
- Strumming
- Mindfulness
- Breath Exercises
- Learning the Notes and Fret-Board
- Deeply Engaging Philosophical Presentations based on the Ancient Yoga Sutra Texts
The Yoga of Guitar 6 Week Online Course is an immersive experience that is guaranteed to take your guitar playing to the next level.
I'll show you the most effective way I've found to learn and play the guitar that simultaneously increases your guitar and musical ability while simultaneously decreasing your stress through musical meditative exercises. You won't ever question your ability to play guitar again. All you need to do is join this course, participate with the videos, and you will be amazed as to how simple and effective this method is!
Enroll now for a whole new way for you to learn and play the guitar as a meditation.
Your Instructor
Josh Brill is a devotee, student, and teacher of music. He is an acclaimed guitarist and producer, founder of Yoga of Guitar, and a transformational music coach with over 31 years of experience.
A student of music since the age of 8 and a meditation practitioner since 20, Josh Brill is devoted to creating a more harmonious humanity with music.
Josh's mission is to support people on their musical journey and release more transcendentally beautiful music into our world.
With over 25 years of guitar teaching experience including a position teaching at Berklee College of Music, Josh combines his vast experience as a professional musician and as a master teacher to educate internationally on the power of music as a mindfulness practice.
life and career as a professional musician further developed and evolved through his work and participation with Robert
Fripp and the Guitar Craft/Guitar Circle and Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists courses and projects.
As a musical artist, Josh's current focus is on producing and releasing music as medicine. Medicine music intentionally created to induce a calm mind, an open heart, a relaxed meditative state of being and gently touch the sensitive depths of the human experience with textural tones of a transcendent harmony that feeds the soul with 'good sounds and good feels.'
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction to Week 1 (5:04)
StartThe Philosophy of One: Finding Your Center (5:38)
StartBecoming Present - Exercise #1
StartBody and Guitar Positioning for Efficiency and Ease (4:39)
StartRight Hand/Thumb Note Release (3:00)
StartLeft Hand/Thumb + Finger Mudra (4:44)
StartLow E String (4:34)
StartRhythm of 1 (5:12)
StartHorizontal Scale Presentation (3:35)
StartHorizontal Scale Meditation (4:40)
StartE Chord Meditation (5:54)
StartBreath of Music (Pranayama) (3:36)
StartHorizontal Scale #2 w/ Finger Variation (2:22)
StartDown Strum Meditation (5:09)
StartMusical play (Samadhi) (4:38)
StartWeek 1 Wrap Up (1:19)
StartIntroduction to Week 2 (2:32)
StartThe Philosophy of Duality: Up/Down, Right/Left (4:43)
StartYoG Philosophy - Satya and Santosha: Truth and Contentment (3:40)
StartBecoming Present #2
StartRight Hand and Left Hand Week 2 (3:16)
StartSimple Hand Yoga (4:23)
StartRight Hand Thumb + Rest stroke (4:11)
StartLeft Hand Two Finger Combination (5:52)
StartA String Meditation (4:46)
StartA Chord Meditation (5:54)
StartRhythm Presentation: Rhythm of 2 (5:57)
StartStrumming Week 2 (5:38)
StartVerticle Chord Seeds #1 (3:01)
StartE Major Horizontal Scale on A string with E Drone (3:33)
StartBreath of Music Week 2 (4:55)
StartMusical Samadhi - Week 2 (4:38)
StartWeek 2 Wrap up (1:37)